Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Your mission today: send $50 to that elusive goal of yours!

Your mission today: send $50 to that elusive goal of yours!

$50 dollar bill

I was asked the other day what my biggest lesson learned in 2018 was, and the answer to that was a pretty simple one:

I learned that I was doing a lot more THINKING than I was DOING.

With my goals, with my ideas, with small stupid things that would have only taken 20 minutes to test, etc. I was in my head over analyzing every little thought and paying more attention to the "what ifs" than the *realities*, until one day I finally had my epiphany.

So in the spirit of this, I challenge you to take out $50 from your account right now, and then apply it directly to a goal of yours that's been driving you crazy. Whether in thought, or inaction!

Maybe it's finally tackling that accumulated debt over the years, or making the move to invest in your first stock or business or index fund, or maybe it's simply adding enough to that emergency fund to fully prepare you for that zombie apocalypse!

Whatever the goal, I encourage you to take that First Step and make it happen right now once and for all. No more pussyfooting around!!

(That's right – I said pussyfooting!)

$50 might be a lot, but I can almost guarantee that you'll survive just fine without it. And if it'll absolutely break you, then send in $49 or $48 instead ;) It's more about finally doing something about your goals and getting the ball rolling than the money itself.

If your goal requires spending more *time* on something than money, then I give you full permission to tackle that in its place instead! Go get that first budget or credit report going, or spend that 15 minutes to save 15% on your car insurance, or finally call your mom back who's long overdue a "hello" and a "thanks" from you, because you know – SHE BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD!! (And can take you back out! Or at least that's what my mom likes to threaten with… ;))

If you've been waiting for that "some day," it's finally here.

Make it happen and then report back!

make it happen gif

Another thing I was asked about? What my favorite *books* from 2018 were… Here they are, courtesy of fellow reader Jarret who got me to spill ;) –> Atomic Habits by James Clear (a perfect companion to today's post!), and The Year of Less by Cait Flanders – great for curating your life, but also about learning her deepest darkest secrets that she never revealed on her blog!


[For more $$$ nuggets, head over to Budgets Are Sexy!]

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